Bank Grade Money Detector: PONNOR Money Counter has up to 5 state of the art money detection technologies to detect various counterfeit money, UV, IR, MG, MT and DD; if counterfeit or broken coins are detected, the screen will turn red and an alert will sound.
Large LCD Display: The built-in large LCD display can clearly display different data, greatly reducing the possibility of miscounting; the external monitor provides dual views, allowing customers to read data from different angles at any time.
Powerful Functions: Up to 11 functions, including automatic, manual, batch, addition, numerical value, currency switching, MT, UV, IR, DD, MG;the large hopper capacity can hold 200 bills, meeting the maximum demand of various occasions.
Efficient and Accurate Counting: The 2024 upgraded version of the banknote counter has upgraded and enhanced motors, with faster speed and more stable accuracy; it can smoothly, quickly and accurately count more than 1300 banknotes per minute, and the noise can be kept below 60 decibels.
Package: A bill counter, a power cord, a brush, an external monitor, a fuses, 4 currency straps, an user manual.